Aperçu du poste

Casablanca, Casablanca-Settat
Type d'emploi
A discuter
date postée
il y a 1 mois

Détails supplémentaires

ID annonce

Description de l'emploi

When you’re actively looking for a Training Manager to :
-Develop and implement training and skills development programs for employees ;- Assess training needs and skills gaps of employees at all levels of the organization ;-Analyze training results and performance evaluations to measure training effectiveness ;-Collaborate with stakeholders to design customized training programs for individual employees or work groups ;-Coordinate training activities, including planning, communication, logistics and evaluation ;-Developer of training manuals, visual aids and training tools for training programs ;-Monitor industry trends and new training technologies to keep training programs up to date ;-Encourage continued employee development by facilitating career development and mentoring opportunities.If you are intreseted please send us your resume !!
Critères pour le poste: Training Manager
  • Domaine:
    - Informatique
    - Multimédia
    - Internet
  • Fonction:
    - RH
  • Contrat: CDI
  • Salaire: A discuter
  • Niveau d'etudes: Bac plus 5

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