Internship is offered within web design.

Aperçu du poste

Casablanca, Casablanca-Settat
Type d'emploi
A discuter
date postée
il y a 15 Jours

Détails supplémentaires

ID annonce

Description de l'emploi

Marokko Biz IT Development offers an internship for one person for 1-3 months. In web design.
Are you starting an education in web design and want experience for your CV!
You must be able to prove that you are in an education course.
You will be contacted by email
Critères pour le poste: Internship is offered within web design.
  • Domaine:
    - Informatique
    - Multimédia
    - Internet
  • Fonction:
    - Informatique - Webdesign
  • Contrat: Stage
  • Salaire: A discuter
  • Niveau d'etudes: Pas important

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